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Dazed and confused.

I kind of came to the conclusion that I needed to write this when I realized that I had gotten a little lost at work. I can go a little crazy with the number of things I try to do at any given time and well, that kind of work can easily overwhelm me. However, over the past few days I have realized and resparked my desire and love for the process.

It may sound a bit abstract but its a common theme among those who find themselves fortunate enough to enjoy every minute of every day of work. You see, a lot of life is a matter of perspective. A quick glimpse into consumer behavior and the study of a capitalistic society will tell you that people are very predictable and marketable beings.

A few years ago Matthew McConaughey gave a fantastic talk to the University of Houston, where he stated the following: "See, joy is always in process, under construction — it’s in the constant approach, alive and well —in the doing of what we are fashioned to do… and enjoying doing it." and the following fantastic tidbit:
"I started enjoying my work and literally being happier when I stopped trying to make the daily labor a means to a certain end — I need this film to be a box office success, I need my performance to be acknowledged, I need the respect of my peers.
All reasonable aspirations but truth is, as soon as the work, the making of the movie, the doing of the deed became the reward in itself — I got more box-office, more accolades and respect than I’d ever had before. See, JOY is always in process, under construction — it’s in the constant approach, alive and well —in the DOING of what we are fashioned to do… and enjoying doing it."
A lot of times, your work can get exhausting -- you may need a break away from the madness that is doing the same thing every single day. I strongly suggest to move away from that type of life and towards the life of becoming an expert at a variety of topics. Become great at a number of things and continue to change those things. It helps in never getting tired at what you do, and being able to stimulate what you are doing at any given time. It requires some amount of time management and skill to balance, but diving head-first is the only way you will come even close to balancing all of these.

This is the realization I came to recently when I was stuck in a rut. I realized why I loved this specific topic, and resparked some interest and passion for something that I had long ago ventured into because I loved it.

The talk is here by the way:

Strive on, and continue being fantastic.


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