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Lyrical rants

I wish I knew.


It's the cyclic passion of a dream,
Sucked dry by society's deranged attitude,
The essence of a title, Miss Conception.

It made no sense but it was the perfect reality,
It was the lesson I sought after
As a beginner and a master,
Bumping up the skymiles, I couldn't go any faster.

But cut the dream short,
The curtains are closing, the act is over,
This isn't some ecstatic fantasy,
This is the crude world, its all sprinkled bitter.

Don't believe what they're saying
The painters had it right for a moment,
But that's all it was,
It was a frame, that's all we could cherish.

In this lyrical endeavor I've cut away the sprinkles,
I've left it raw, I've left it bitter.
For there is one purpose to this litter,
I want you to turn trash into cash.

Take in this mash, let it age,
Serve it as beer and party my dear,
For dealing with stress is a mess
And god forbid you taste a crazy IBU.

God forbid I step in your shoes,
I'd literally be you.
But fuck that and the dream world,
I take it raw and uncut for that is the essence of it all.

It's where we are and what we're made of,
Its the emotional immune system and yet we forget
that getting hurt builds us up but the next thing you know
is that you'll build up the illusion that vaccination is flawed.

You'll confuse the scientific and the artistic
For some lunatic study, you'll claim its autistic.
In being different you've fucked us all
So fuck you and your thoughts, you know not how to live

You are the death of us all because logic wasn't enough
You wanted to be a hipster but instead
You've killed her so fuck you and your insanity,
Where is your humanity?

I wonder.. but then I step back and realize
There is no sense in this debate
I'm sipping my bitter beer and forgetting the hate,
Live and let live,

But recycle your litter,
Have a taste of the bitter,
Keep on fighting and don't be a quitter,
And for the sake of us all, don't post it on Twitter.


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